Fillers and Injections

Botox, Juvederm, and Kybella

Enhance Your Beauty and Improve Your Self-Esteem 

Rus Med Spa is currently offering Botox, Juvederm, and Kybella injections to enhance our client's existing beauty and help improve self-esteem. All our treatments are administered by qualified professionals in a safe, controlled, and relaxing environment, providing clients with a range of options to address their specific cosmetic concerns and achieve natural-looking results.

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Fillers in Wausau, WI
Love the skin you're in


2022 InStyle Best In-Office Treatment Winner 

Botox, a purified form of botulinum toxin, is primarily used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by temporarily relaxing targeted facial muscles. It provides a smoother and more youthful complexion, often sought after for the forehead, crow's feet, and frown lines.

Why Botox is the One and Only

Botox is the first and only treatment FDA-approved to temporarily make moderate to severe frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines look better in adults. So you'll look like you, only with less noticeable facial lines.

Botox - Wausau, WI
Still you - with fewer lines


2022 NewBeauty Award Winner 

Juvederm is a dermal filler made of hyaluronic acid that restores volume and plumps up areas of the face affected by age-related volume loss. It is commonly used to smooth out:

  • Deep creases
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Enhance lips or cheeks for a more youthful and refreshed look.

Long Lasting

70% of participants in the treatment group showed improvement in jawline definition at 6 months with 61% showing long-lasting results through 1 year with optimal treatment.

High Satisfaction

82% of treated patients were satisfied with the appearance of their lower face and jawline through 1 year.

Juvederm - Wausau, WI
Love your look from every angle


Diminish the double chin with a treatment tailored to you 

Kybella is a first-of-its-kind non-surgical treatment specifically designed to reduce submental fat, commonly known as a double chin. Through a series of injections, Kybella effectively dissolves fat cells, resulting in a more defined and contoured jawline.

  • An injectable, nonsurgical option
  • Permanently destroys fat cells in the treatment area under the chin
  • Individually tailored to improve your chin profile

You Are Not Alone

A 2015 survey conducted by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery found that 67% of people are bothered by the fat beneath their chin. In fact, the survey results showed that people are just as bothered by submental fullness as they are by lines and wrinkles around and under their eyes.

Kybella - Fat Reducing Injections - Wausau, WI
Get your confidence back

Botox®  Cosmetic Injections | BOTOX® Cosmetic. (n.d.). BOTOX® Cosmetic.
Allergan. (n.d.). Collection of Dermal Fillers | JUVÉDERM®.
The First & Only Injectable Double Chin Treatment | KYBELLA®. (n.d.).